Brisbane, here we come

Thanks fellas, for coming down to our shows at the Esplanade's Annexe and for Hood Bar's Singapore Original Sessions' 5th Anniversary party. It was a blast playing with our friends from King Kong Jane, Cadence and Amterible. Was an absolute slice.

Now to take this on the road...first stop Brisbane! Big Sound 2016, we are super excited.

Wed 7 Sep, Crowbar, 9.50pm to 10.20pm

Thu 8 Sep, Singapore Sound System party at Ric's Backyard, 5 to 8pm

And check out this sweet poster done by Kristal Melson @krisonautopilot! One more reason for Brisbane folks and those at Big Sound to c'mon down, we'll have new T shirts and stickers based on this artwork, and CDs plus stories to tell - drop by to say hi, stay to have a blast.


The Paper, The Pen, and a World Began || Island of Dreams

A couple months ago, the organisers of the Singapore Writers Fest approached us with an offer to write the theme song for their festival. We happily obliged. I mean, how could we refuse an opportunity that would have us go back to Snakeweed Studios and record with our dear friend Leonard Soosay, and of course have our trusted @Producifer Brad Wood back on mixing duty? Can't say no to that!

It was an interesting task though, coming up with a piece that's less than 4 minutes long, and that was deliberately written with a more general audience in mind. We've never written anything before that was designed to appeal on a broader level and which was from its genesis envisioned to be used in a commercial context - so we gave it a shot, while still trying to preserve our identity and the elements that make us what we are. Hope you like this little diversion. Also, another good thing about being "forced" to kickstart the writing process again is that we've since been toying with a whole bunch of new riffs, ideas and effects pedals - and we'll definitely keep the momentum going!

In the meantime, we've been rehearsing for our upcoming show Island Of Dreams, as part of the Singapore Writers Fest. It's a double bill with our friends I Am David Sparkle, who'll be releasing their new album Art Is Blood soon - and it's gonna be a doozy. Heavy stuff, man! The show's on Fri 30 Oct at the recently refurbished and renovated Victoria Theatre - a legendary institution that we've personally always been dreaming of playing. Tickets are only $20 at Sistic, and it'll be a night that celebrates and conjures dreams of all sorts; lucid ones, nightmares, and the twilight realm between sleep and waking. Sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite.

Island of Dreams : A one night only concert featuring In Each Hand A Cutlass and I Am David Sparkle

Island of Dreams : A one night only concert featuring In Each Hand A Cutlass and I Am David Sparkle

Press whoring

We've been doing a lot of that lately, all in an effort to promote the heck out of The Kraken which drops in 3 weeks' time. We've had coverage in, among other things, Power of Pop (who've written the first advance copy review of the album , and they like it!), Oogiemusic, The New Paper, Time Out magazine (we're in the April issue!), Storm, and The Straits Times, where we played a couple new songs Overture and Satori 101 specially for their ST Sessions - videos are embedded in the link. More on the way, so we're updating our Press Room page regularly to keep track of all that. Nothing wrong with a bit of limelight once in a bit.

Oh, and we're digging these sweet Spingle sneakers, thanks to the good folks at Star Three Sixty for hooking us up with these kicks.